Saturday, January 24, 2009

Bones - Double Trouble on Thursday Nights! :)

So, this great show came back on Thursday nights with two new episodes! :) Hurray!

I enjoyed both episodes - a lot of fun.

I think I enjoyed DTitPH a little better, because there were more scenes with Booth and Bones together. Brennan seemed to be missing for quite a bit in the middle of the second episode.

I liked a lot of scenes in both episodes. The sweet moment in the penalty box is tops in the first; and Buck and Wanda were hilarious. Bones pointing at the apple on her head with the frozen smile, a pantomime

There were a couple of missed opportunities, one in the Panhandle, which was glaringly obvious - them sharing (?) a bed. These two couldn't share that space without their being some awkwardness, because of how they feel about each other - and how utterly hyper aware they are of each other. But the writers are dragging things out, so they chose not to address this on camera.

Perotta is just a predictable plot device, and at this point, needless, as were, to a certain extent, Bones' two dates a while back. The writers need to pick up the pace - they need some true forward movement, or they threaten to veer towards audiences accepting them as BFF only. I feel these writers/creators can move them forward and still have the pairing be fun. They just have to have faith in themselves and not fall into the trap that so many writers and pairings have done in the past. Just keep it fun and keep them individual and it'll be fun for the audience - even when they're together... and I don't mean 'together' as in David's present definition

As I stated, I loved both of these episodes - especially, as standalones. However, when you're a long time watcher of the show and you think of the seasons and episodes that have preceded these - the closing of the episodes that you could feel Booth and Bones yearning for each other - the pig, the smurfette, the thaiiiii food, the 'are you going to betray me,' singing together in the diner, the KISS! (3rd Season (and even late 2nd) rules for simmering and bubbling emotional/sexual attraction and attachment between them!) - Booth getting shot (how, I ask you, how???!!) I could go on and on... you could say they've possibly missed their moment. They seem to reach a certain point, and then: reset. One step forward, two steps back.

I don't believe they have... but while I LOVE the humor and fun and sweetness, I'd love to see a bit more gravitas and yes, them dealing with the fact that they, at this point really *need* to be together. It should actually *hurt* for them not to be, physically and emotionally, by now

Hopefully they're heading in that direction They need to amp up the emotional stakes between these two - and I don't mean by using the seemingly requisite useless triangle - that the audience just cringes at and then waits it out... until, well, the inevitable again.

These two are written and have been so, since the beginning, as meant to be. The show and this twosome are four years in; let the meant to be, be meaningful

Can't wait for the Hero in the Hold. Hopefully, it'll plunge them deeper and keep them there, instead of them bobbing back up immediately, to tread the same old water again.

So, my opinion on the episodes - as standalone, pure fun outings, my ratings are:

TFitI B-

Looking at the characters relationship together, against where we were a season ago:


Booth and Bones are my most favorite fictional characters, love 'em. So, I'm pulling for 'em


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